The Summer Fun Sale is here!
Help us spread the word on social media for your chance to win up to $500! All Yag employees are eligible!
Enter the contest by following the instructions below:
- Take a picture (or video) with any Summer Fun Sale image or advertisement.
- Post it on Facebook or Instagram with #YagSummerFun in the post.
- Get your friends to like and share! The person with the MOST LIKESon their own individual post will win!
- Contest ends at 5pm on Monday, the 25th.
- TO ENTER: Send screenshot of post with total amount of likes to Winslow Young at Post must be public. You must submit your entry by 11am on Tuesday, the 26th.
First place wins $500, Second place wins $300, and Third place wins $200!
Let’s have a BIG Memorial Day Sale!!