Over the years as I have seen the dynamics of a business roll I have learned many things and this is just one key to help you with your career with the YAG.
Advancement. I have seen and been involved with many advancements in peoples careers and positions. Sometimes when people have been promoted I have heard a little back lash of why were they promoted or why did they get the job and not me.
Here is a hint to help you:
Managers can’t read minds.
Mangers do not have a crystal ball.
Managers do make mistakes.
Managers are trying to make the best decisions for the business.
Now…..here is where you come in.
YOU are responsible to let your supervisor/manager know what you would like in your career.
YOU are responsible to let your supervisor/manager know if you need help or additional training to help you get to where you want to go. YOU are responsible to let your supervisor/manager know your desires for a certain position.
Don’t wait until the position comes available or is vacant to ask.
YOU let the manager know long in advance that YOU want to be considered and YOU want to advance and YOU want to grow.
So YOU need to accept responsibility to keep YOU on the radar for advancement and growth. Don’t leave things up to chance.
Be proactive. Remember saying something one time doesn’t make it on the radar. YOU need to be consistently in communication over time to be considered. Your manager can’t read your mind.
Then perform. Loyalty is performance. Performance is Loyalty.
Be Loyal.
Help others progress and advance and you will advance and grow.
I just thought I would let you know this little key to help you with your career as the YAG continues to grow.
I love all the associates at the YAG. I am very proud of you all and am grateful for your hard work, mental work, physical work and everything you do to make it a Great business.
Make BIG things happen,
Great Message.
I’m rellay into it, thanks for this great stuff!
Frankly I think that’s absolutely good stuff.
I’ve been looking for a post like this forever (and a day)
That kind of thinking shows you’re an expert
Stay with this guys, you’re helping a lot of people.
I love reading these articles because they’re short but informative.
You’ve really impressed me with that answer!
You have the monopoly on useful information-aren’t monopolies illegal? 😉
D’s is THE place for burgers!! We used to live within a few blocks (which was a good/bad thing lol) We have since moved to Haysville and have a Bionic Burger right behind our house, but drive into Wichita to get us a D’s double bacon cheeseburger, tots and cake (I suggest the lemon… OMG!) Love the food and the people!
This is so great! I want to succeed and even more so want those with me to succeed. Communication, performance, loyalty!! Perfect game plan to success!
Thank you for such inspired advice!
Love this !
now you got me thinking!!