Loyalty is another key value of the Young Automotive Group. This virtue is seldom discussed but is a crucial part of an effective organization.

What is Loyalty? Defined in the Webster Dictionary:
Loyalty: having or showing complete and constant support for someone or something. Unswerving in allegiance: Faithful to a person, cause, ideal institution, or product.
A couple of words that stick out to me are CONSTANT SUPPORT and UNSWERVING in ALLEGIANCE. Loyalty to our fellow team members is a constant support of them. Whether the team member is a peer, manager, junior, or a colleague from another dealership or department Loyalty means supporting them to their face and behind their back. Backbiting and gossip is the opposite and antithesis of Loyalty. Constant support means you speak well of and support fellow team member and you are looking out for them as they are looking out for you. When you are part of a team that is Loyal to one another you have a firm foundation to work. You know you can strive to do your best and if you come up short or need help you have a LOYAL team there to support and help you.
Loyalty allows for understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It makes allowances for human weaknesses and patience through support. Loyalty starts with understanding and not criticism.
Relationships built on loyalty are the relationships that are cherished and are lasting. They allow a free flow of ideas and risk. Loyalty builds and sustains trust. To build loyalty many time it includes self sacrifice and focus. To choose what is best for the whole and not just what is best for self. This type of loyalty many times seems counter intuitive; however, when sacrifices are made for the whole a loyal team finds a way to make sure ever member is taken care of. Many times it is not instant but eventually it comes around. Many times this is referred to as Karma.
Loyalty is also an important word in our mission statement. Fiercely Loyal customers are key to our future success. We develop loyal customers when we deliver an exceptional customer experience. This includes every step of any transaction and making sure they are taken care of and cared for. Some of our most loyal customers are customers that we failed at one point but made things right. People are understanding and know problems will happen. We become loyal with people or companies that stand up, admit mistakes and fix them. This shows that when people do business with us our main priority is to build value and do a great job. If they know this is the heart of what we do they will become the loyal following we are looking to build.
How can we foster a greater environment of Loyalty? What are your thoughts on Loyalty? How is loyalty important in your career? How has it affected you at the Young Automotive Group?
Any stories out there about LOYALTY you have seen in the group? Please share!

Great thoughts on loyalty. It’s also worth mentioning that loyalty, like trust, must be earned, takes time to build, and can be easily lost. It is reciprocal. We must be empathetic and understanding towards our team members and customers if we hope to foster loyalty within our organization.