Tomorrow starts the semi-annual 1-2-3 Sales Event at all stores! 1 YEAR OF GAS, 2.99 FINANCING and 3 MONTHS NO PAYMENT! This event is a great partnership with Maverik, and America First Credit Union. Through this partnership we have created one of the LARGEST sales we have ever done. This is an exciting event and we are excited to continue to BREAK RECORDS!

In with the belt! It’s a beautiful one and it makes the bag fiitntg to the outfit. Besides that, you just need a belt, belt lady number one 😉 I love to see you in a pink dress. Pink is such a powerful colour and looks stunning on you. Wish autumn here was mild as in Spain. Over here it’s very difficult to dress cool and not freeze. My outfits gets more and more practical, hiding myself behind scarfs and under beanies. It’s so much easier to dress nice in summer or in a country with mild winters, I can tell you. :-DHave a wonderful day my dearest! xxBy the way: I think I need to visit more charity shops when I’m in the UK next time 😉 Wanna find something as gorgeous as this dress too.