Safe Work Environment Policy:
It is the policy of Young Automotive Group to promote a safe, productive work environment. A work environment where employees can express work place concerns. The Young Automotive Group fosters inclusiveness for all people so that mutual respect is highly valued; where employees feel safe to discuss ideas, concerns and thoughts openly with Management, HR and posting to the Young Dashboard.
Reporting Procedure:
Our experience has shown that when employees deal openly and directly with supervisors, the work environment can be excellent, communication can be clear, and attitudes can be positive. We believe that the Young Automotive Group adequately demonstrates its commitment to employees by responding effectively to employee concerns.
Employees should report their concerns to the General Manger or any other member of management, Controller and HR, including the President and Vice President. If you feel that you have a concern that you do not feel comfortable discussing with your direct supervisor please understand that it is ok to chat with either your HR representative or General Manager. Please help keep the Young Automotive Group a safe and productive work environment for all employees and do not hesitate to bring concerns up to management.