Customer Service Training

YAG-U is hosting a special series of Customer Service & Retention Training.  YAG-U has conducted numerous 3-session courses for specific departments at specific dealerships.  This is the same training, but is open to anyone in the YAG organization who  either 1) Has not taken the training, 2) Wants to make up one session or another, or 3) Would like to repeat/refresh their Customer Service Training.Read More

Every day

“Every day at every Ritz-Carlton, employees from every department worldwide, gather for a 15-minute meeting — called “the lineup” , where they review guest experiences, resolve issues and discuss ways to improve service. The meetings revolve around a heroic performance of a Ritz-Carlton employee know as the “wow story”.   Interesting, eh? What can we…..whatRead More

Horsepower Heaven

This Saturday at Rocky Mountain Raceways is one of the best events of the season!  We proudly present Horsepower Heaven, where we run on both the Young Kia Drag Strip AND the America First Credit Union Super Oval on the same night!  Come join us for an action-packed evening!  We will have Jets, NITRO cars,Read More


A word about profits. Making a profit is NOT a sin! Making a profit is not a CRIME. It is the reason we are in business!   Profit is the fuel that drives the engine of our economy. The automobile industry has one of the LOWEST profit margins in the retail sales marketplace! Furniture, electronicRead More

Video Walk Arounds

Hello Sales Professionals YAG-U just uploaded the latest training on how to do a video walk around.  Please take the time to watch this short video and get trained on how to do this GREAT SERVICE for our customers.  Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.  Click on link toRead More

Salt Lake Tribune “Utahs Top Workplace”

Young Automotive Group has been nominated for Salt Lake Tribune's "Utah Top Workplace" award, and we need your help!  Every employee in the Wasatch Front should have received a workplace survey from on June 1st, and again on June 4th. Employees who haven't responded will receive another reminder email today.  Please take a fewRead More

Walk Around Pops

Hello Sales We are going to start a new round of POP training.  This time we are going to focus on the Vehicle Walk Around.  Please feel free to use a NEW VEHICLE or a USED VEHICLE. Please see attached assignments and grading.  Also please make sure sales managers get the feedback and that theRead More

Words That Work, And Words That Don’t Work

In his recent leadership training, Dave Anderson helped us to take a no-nonsense look at ourselves – both our strengths and our weaknesses.  Dave defined several Strong and Weak Cultural Words in his discussion.  Here is a great summary of that taken from one of his recent blog posts.  What thoughts and comments do youRead More

Welcome Stuart Gregory

The Young Automotive Group would like to welcome its newest member of the commercial fleet team Stuart Gregory.   Stuart brings years of automotive experience to the Young Automotive Group and will be a great asset to our group moving forward.  Please welcome him as he is in and out of the different stores.