Unified Training Schedule for Sales Training

Hi All, Its been a while since we’ve used the Unified Training Schedule. Lets please get back to this. A Unified Training Schedule allows all of our stores to be on the same page when it comes to your “Achieving Sales Excellence” Training. When the COE partners visit the stores, we will be assisting with theRead More

Touchstones – A Message From Spencer Young Sr.

A touchstone is a small rock containing silica that was rubbed against a piece of gold or silver to test its degree or genuineness.  We have identified six touchstones in the YAG to rub against all we do to see if they make the test of what is right and ethical in our transactions andRead More

Customer Service Counts!

It is now officially February of 2017 and time to think about delivering exceptional customer service! We’ll be holding Customer Service Training starting next week at Young Mazda in Kaysville for the Davis County based employees. The same trainings will be coming to Weber & Morgan Counties in March (and remote locations to follow shortly after). This set of trainings counts towards Sales Certification for all variable employees, but is designed for everyone. As usual, additional information can be found at YOUNGCOE.COM.
View the full post on the Young Automotive Dashboard using the link below for the complete schedule.

Young Caring for Our Young

As many of you know, the Young Automotive Group donates over $100,000 annually to local youth-oriented organizations through its Young Caring for Our Young program.  The program was created to support the local foundations, schools, and youth programs that make up a vital piece of our community. We’re kicking off 2017 by delivering checks to the DavisRead More


Core Value – Loyalty

An additional core value in the Young Automotive Group is Loyalty. Loyalty is a crucial element within high performance teams and is one of the results of Trust. Please take a moment and watch this short video about Loyalty. Please comment on the post on any thoughts or ideas that come to your mind as you watch this short clip on Loyalty.

The Passing of a Friend and Coworker

We lost one of our own last night. Bev Ball passed away peacefully after a long battle with Breast Cancer surrounded by her Closest family and friends. Her family wanted to express how grateful they are to the YAG for all of our support and the money that was raised to help Bev as sheRead More

Anastasis – A Message From Spencer Sr.

YAG Anastasis and Metanoia with Deliberacy  – January 2, 2017 Good day to all the YAG family, 2017 has arrived and what a glorious year we have ahead of us. I wish you all a Happy New Year. Like I mentioned at the YAG Christmas and Year-end Celebration party, I believe that 2017 will beRead More