To our valued YAG Team Members,
We find ourselves in some interesting times dealing with unprecedented issues that have not been seen before. However, with that being said, the Young Automotive Group and its executive team is fully committed to our employees and their families in working through these challenges, easing the burden, and continuing to help in any way we can.
We want you to rest assured that the Young Automotive Group is prepared for this challenge and that our company has never been in a stronger, more stable situation than we are now. We understand the angst and worry people are experiencing, and we are sensitive to the nature of what is going on. There is a great deal of uncertainty in the world, and many questions have yet to be answered. But, we as a Group have been through challenging times – including the financial crisis in 2008 – where we were able to navigate through tough waters and come out on the other end stronger than before. Overcoming economic crises and other major issues has prepared us to strategically work our way through this situation and anything else that may come our way. It’s in times like these that we best learn, grow, get stronger, and find new opportunities.
We remain up-to-date and engaged with current information regarding the novel coronavirus, both from the CDC and local government officials, and we will keep you informed as the situation unfolds. We will continue to conduct business and serve our customers the best we can while maintaining a safe work environment for our employees, customers and partners. We will actively communicate new developments on the COVID-19 situation and the strategies we will enact to deal with issues as they arise.
Know that we love you and appreciate all you do for the Group!!
Spence Young Jr.