Congratulations to Billy Toone at Young Toyota for receiving the Q4 “Caught Being YAG” trophy! He was submitted by an employee and they had nothing but GREAT things to say about him.
“I lucked out when I got Billy as my supervisor.” Said the employee who nominated Billy for Caught Being YAG. She had only worked for him for a few weeks when she had a family emergency come up.” I texted Billy and let him know what was going on hoping he would not be angry or make me feel worse then I already felt and he texted back almost immediately and asked me if I was okay and if there was anything he could do for me or my family. He made me feel like I was not just his employee but I mattered to him not just as a person but as a mother as well, he told me to take off whatever time I needed and he checked on me. I came back to work the following day and he was just very caring and just let me get back into the work groove slowly constantly making sure that I could take time off if I needed it. He has continually gone out of his way to make sure that my family always comes first and I appreciate his challenging me and pushing me to do my best when I think I am failing. Billy is not only my boss but a friend and he makes coming to work fun and I forever grateful for him and all he does for our service department.”
Thanks for all you do and for being YAG, Billy!