The Young Automotive Group and the Young Caring for Our Young Foundation have partnered with Golden West Credit Union and Deseret Digital Media to create The Kids In NeeD (KIND) Fund.
The KIND Fund is a resource that YCFOY established which enables donors to directly benefit kids in need in local schools. Through the KIND fund, Educators can make a request on behalf of kids in need through a form on the YCFOY website. Once the form has been submitted the foundation provides a YAG employee, or KIND Fund ambassador, with a $150 gift card to use to shop for the child based on the request submitted by the educator.
While the Young Automotive Group and the foundation have held larger single day events for similar causes like with Julie’s Clothes for Kids in Burley, Idaho, as well as supported and participated in the Davis Education Foundation Child Spree, the KIND Fund is always active, and the resource is constantly available.
Check out the photos of our awesome KIND Fund ambassadors and click the video link below to take a look at the KIND Fund in action.
Video Link:

If you would like to learn more about the KIND Fund or how you can be involved, check out the YCFOY website.