Layton, UT – Sept 8, 2023 – Teaming up with America First Credit Union and multiple Young Automotive Group dealerships, the Young Caring for Our Young Foundation assembled 15,000 pantry packs on Sept. 6-7 for children struggling with hunger in Davis, Weber and Cache counties.

“Events like this have a significant impact in the community,” Young Caring for Our Young director Tami Olsen said. “If you think about 15,000 pantry packs, and on average the Davis County School District issues 3,200-3,500, that covers the district for four and a half to five weeks. It really does make a difference.”
What’s become an annual event, Young Caring for Our Young and America First’s Charitable Foundation assembled 5,000 pantry packs at the financial institution’s headquarters in Riverdale, Utah.
“We’ve had a long-standing partnership with the Young Automotive Group, not only through our indirect lending, but also being a financial institution and with them being a dealership group,” America First’s foundation director Amber Greenwell said. “It’s huge for two organizations to come together and make that type of an impact.”
Earlier this year, the credit union donated $50,000 to Young Caring for Our Young. This contribution funded, among other items, a portion of the 15,000 pantry packs created this week.
The third time the organizations have teamed up to assemble pantry packs, America First made 500 in their first year and 3,000 last year. Volunteers at this year’s event included members of Young Caring for Our Young and America First executives and senior staff.
“The people that are involved in our foundation and in these kinds of activities don’t do this because we ask them to, but because they care,” America First’s president Thayne Schaffer said. “I think it’s a reflection both on our side and on the side of the Young Automotive Group of the quality of people that are in leadership in both organizations.”

With 5,000 pantry packs assembled, Young Caring for Our Young then worked with Young Chrysler Dodge Ram of Layton, Young Hyundai, Young Toyota and Young Honda to assemble the other 10,000 packs.
“It’s huge just knowing the difference that we make in the community,” Young Car Wash’s manager Taylor Morton said. “I work really closely with a lot of members of our school board and they’re very thankful that we do this.”

Pantry packs are designed to help children who may lack access to food afterschool and on weekends. Each pack contains simple serve meals and snacks. Pantry packs vary in contents between different districts, but all are designed to bridge the gap between Friday after classes until Monday morning when children can access breakfast and lunch at school.
“It’s so nice to partner with agencies and organizations that are culturally aligned,” Olsen said. “I would encourage everyone to think about the needs in their community, and realize that every one of us can make a difference, both individually and collectively.”