Please try this.
Just take 5 minutes, set your phone alarm for 5 minutes and think about this for 5 minutes.
Have you set your watch, your phone alarm for 5 minutes?
Now think about this……
1. What does the best look like in your lives?
In our business?
In our department?
In our job?
In our organization?
Can you visualize the best in these things?
5 minute exercise in visualization. Did you do it?
Ok, I did it. Did you?
My alarm just went off. It is hard to think things through for 5 minutes with no distractions.
I had to get a pen and paper out to jot down my thoughts to keep my mind from wandering.
Exercise your mind. Do it. See it and you can attain it.
There is a saying….the difference between and genius and an average person is that a genius can think about something and focus on that one thing for 20 minutes with no distractions, no mind wandering.
Thanks and make BIG things happen.
Love ya all and have a Rhapsodic day.
okay I did it, almost fell asleep though! It is amazing how hard it is to really focus with no interuptions in your thoughts. I will try this again tonight when I get home!
This was a great exercise, and is just the beginning for me. At the 5-minute mark, I was still typing. In the spirit of transparency and the risk of exposure, here are a few of my thoughts and visualizations:
1. I visualize YAG-U as a “nozzle” rather than a “bottleneck” of training & learning.
2. Many different trainings of many types going on in different locations at any given time.
3. Employees company-wide having access to online learning, training, content & ideas, without having to wait for announced workshops or meetings.
4. Bringing in the best outside experts, speakers and trainers to teach us. Right now, YAG-U may be viewed as standing in the way of utilizing them.
6. Each dealership has a remote meeting/conference/training set-up so we can bring people together without the need for extensive travel.
Love it Jeff
That was a crazy experience trying to keep focused. I had 6 people come into my office over a 20 minute period as i tried to keep restarting my 5 minute focus. So I picked up my cell phone and held it to my head to make it look like I was busy so I could get my 5 minutes here at work. I was able to visualize and it made me realize I have many things that I can improve on to be my BEST!
Great Excercise
Great experience, it’s amazing how easy it is to picture what it looks like, now it’s a matter of making daily choices the way the best would. I know the as-if principle is used a lot but it just makes sense to act as-if you already are what you want to be. I pictured clean organized offices, smiling salespeople greeting or guests, managers meeting customers rather than just sitting at their desks and I also pictured 100% buy in from everyone from shuttle driver up. I think what I pictured is exactly where I would want to buy or service a car.