Good morning all,
I came across this little article that I thought I would share today. How to keep ignorance at bay and exceeding in your field. I hope you enjoy it and it helps you take action if you are not already a reader…..there is no better time to start than today.
Which doctor would you choose?
Surely you’d choose a doctor using the latest and most up to date techniques. There has been so much change and innovation since 1960 that a doctor not up-to-date is essentially obsolete.
Did you know the average American watches 34 hours of TV per week? Whoa! That’s the equivalent of a part time job! A recent paper published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine claimed that for every hour spent glued to the screen, a person’s lifespan is decreased by 21.8 minutes on average.
On the other hand, people who read are more likely to succeed, according to researchers. No matter your age or position, frequently reading books relevant to your occupation and field will keep you educated, informed, and sharp-minded.
Thus, we suggest that you read at least 1 book per month. Convert activities such as watching TV to reading books. It will help you gain useful knowledge that will give you a leading edge. We have witnessed multiple influential people attribute their success to this goal. That is certainly the truth in my life.
A Doctor’s Gifted Hands–Because of Reading.
Ben Carson always wanted to become a doctor. However, he was angry, poor, frustrated, and living in a tough neighborhood. His mother, Sonya, searched for an answer. She told her sons to turn off the TV and start reading books. Two books per week in fact! Reading changed their lives and helped them become among the smartest children in school.
Today, Dr. Carson is a world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon. He saves lives everyday and is changing many more lives everyday through the Carson Scholars Fund. This fund has helped establish 85 Ben Carson Reading rooms in 12 states. Ben Carson is one of those individuals who attributes his success to gaining knowledge through reading.
I put this goal down 4 years ago and it has changed the way I think and act. I have since just increased my reading level and I attribute it to most of my successes. Thanks for the share.