Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Please take a quick 5 minutes and watch this youtuve video. ​Opportunity lies just outside of our comfort zone.  The more often we can get out of our comfort zone the quicker we can seize opportunity and grow.  The great thing is that between us and getting out of our comfort zone we onlyRead More

Practice, Practice, Practice

Check out the Young Subaru Phone Script training. Over the next couple of months all sales managers will be routinely calling the stores as customers to grade and rate all sales persons use of the phone script.  Through great practice, like they are doing at Young Subaru and across the group, we can becomeRead More

Thank You

To all: Thank you so much for everything you do. You all work so hard and put in so much time, energy, stress, worry, and hard work. I hope each and everyone of you feel appreciated for all you do to make our company so successful. The Young Automotive Group is who it is becauseRead More

Sales Test – Please Comment

This is a Test from the Young Dashboard to all of our sales professionals.  Please comment on this post so that I know you got it.   Here is a great sales quote: Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman – not the attitude of the prospect. W. Clement Stone What do youRead More